Why Jamaica?

Why we feel Jamaica is the place God called us to serve

Why Jamaica?

Well, while we can't honestly tell you that Jamaica is more deserving than other places in the world; we can tell you that Jamaica is not less deserving.


While most people think of multimillion-dollar resorts, endless white sand beaches and "...no problems man", when they think of Jamaica; the reality is, that if you walk across the street from those resorts, you will find the real Jamaica; with BIG problems man. No running water. No electricity. No jobs. No hope of anything getting better.

That's what our founders, Dan and Kathi Smith, saw when they went to Jamaica.


As travel agents, they went many times to Jamaica before they heard God's call. Dan had been praying that God would give them a life of impact, and influence for Him; to 'increase their borders'. While they were in Jamaica, God said, "look up. The fields are white with harvest."


It was one of those 'brick from Heaven' moments, when Dan and Kathi realized that this was to be their assignment; that what they were praying for, was right in front of their faces.

So why Jamaica? Simply because God said, "go". And these amazing people, will, though they have no worldly goods, give you something you may have never received before as they leave their mark on your heart permanently. They have learned as Paul did,;

"...in whatever state I am, to be content" Phil 4:11. Indeed, sometimes we wonder, who is teaching who? Perhaps the teachers are really these who have nothing, but a warm smile and humble attitude that will melt your heart. And God meets us there, and changes our heart forever.


So, why Jamaica? WHY NOT?

We Bring Teams

We take teams to Rio Bueno, Jamaica for a one week stay. During that time we perform many services in the local community as well as other places. We spend time at infirmaries, and do whatever is needed at the time such as building repairs and maintenance.

We Bring Resources

We also bring them things they need. Clothes, Bibles, Christian books on various topics; as they have virtually no resources. Clothing is distributed to the needy in the area, and we are helping to establish a community center for ongoing care.

We Bring Christ

Once physical needs are met, we begin to meet the spiritual ones. We teach classes, hold Bible studies & marriage workshops, run Vacation Bible Schools, spend time loving the elderly and disabled, and pour love out to all community members.

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."

― Acts 20:35