Get Involved

Learn more about how to get involved


We are sooooo Glad You Asked!

The opportunities to get involved with The Jamaica Project are many, according to your passion and gifts. There are 2 main categories of opportunity listed below.

The Mission Trip

This is how you can help on mission trips

    1. Do you love kids? We do a Vacation Bible School, where we teach them and have a blast with them. Check out the video. It is located on the Mission Trip tab.
    2. Do you have a passion for teens? If so, we need you to help with these amazing kids. The need is great to minister to the future of Jamaica. Right now, there are NO programs for kids. NO youth groups at churches; nothing that we normally would expect when we attend church at home. We hope to end that. For now, we can at least work with them when we are in Jamaica.
    3. Do you have a passion to reach out to adults, and meet them where they are, and encourage and teach them? Ample opportunities for this. We teach classes in the evening, and during the day we just get to know them and love them where they are.
    4. We have partnered with the local Infirmary (an Infirmary is a government run home for elderly, disabled and mentally ill persons, who have nothing and no one), spending time with and showing God’s love to the residents and the staff as well. We work on projects within the Infirmary to improve their quality of life and help improve things for both staff and residents.
    5. Are you handy with a hammer? We could use you to help improve conditions at the Infirmary and working on the Community Center. You do not need to be a contractor, but it does help if you know a hammer from a papaya.
    6. Are you someone with professional skills? Dental hygienist? Doctor? Nurse? Eye Dr.? Anything else that could help these people? We Need You.
    7. Any other ideas you might have? Bring 'em to the table.

This is how you can help on mission trips

    1. Do you love kids? We do a Vacation Bible School, where we teach them and have a blast with them. Check out the video. It is located on the Mission Trip tab.
    2. Do you have a passion for teens? If so, we need you to help with these amazing kids. The need is great to minister to the future of Jamaica. Right now, there are NO programs for kids. NO youth groups at churches; nothing that we normally would expect when we attend church at home. We hope to end that. For now, we can at least work with them when we are in Jamaica.
    3. Do you have a passion to reach out to adults, and meet them where they are, and encourage and teach them? Ample opportunities for this. We teach classes in the evening, and during the day we just get to know them and love them where they are.
    4. We have partnered with the local Infirmary (an Infirmary is a government run home for elderly, disabled and mentally ill persons, who have nothing and no one), spending time with and showing God’s love to the residents and the staff as well. We work on projects within the Infirmary to improve their quality of life and help improve things for both staff and residents.
    5. Are you handy with a hammer? We could use you to help improve conditions at the Infirmary and working on the Community Center. You do not need to be a contractor, but it does help if you know a hammer from a papaya.
    6. Are you someone with professional skills? Dental hygienist? Doctor? Nurse? Eye Dr.? Anything else that could help these people? We Need You.
    7. Any other ideas you might have? Bring 'em to the table.

Support the Jamaica Project

This is how you can help support our work with those Jamaica

No kidding. Both prayer and financial. Obviously it takes money to bring supplies clothing, Bibles etc., not to mention the expense of going there. If you would like to give a one-time gift, or give on a regular basis please contact us.

We also can take donations of clothing if you are in the Orange County, California area, particularly for children.

We need and covet your prayers for this ministry.

If you would agree to be a prayer partner, we will happily keep you informed on a regular basis, of what is happening in Jamaica with our teams. If you would like to receive information by email, please send us an email indicating that you would like to be added to our email list.

We Bring Teams

We take teams to Rio Bueno, Jamaica for a one week stay. During that time we perform many services in the local community as well as other places. We spend time at infirmaries, and do whatever is needed at the time such as building repairs and maintenance.

We Bring Resources

We also bring them things they need. Clothes, Bibles, Christian books on various topics; as they have virtually no resources. Clothing is distributed to the needy in the area, and we are helping to establish a community center for ongoing care.

We Bring Christ

Once physical needs are met, we begin to meet the spiritual ones. We teach classes, hold Bible studies & marriage workshops, run Vacation Bible Schools, spend time loving the elderly and disabled, and pour love out to all community members.

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."

― Proverbs 19:17